Below is our Third Place winning proposal for the The Revitalization and Upgrading of Al Manshiya Square in Alexandria. The project was initiated by the Governorate of Alexandria to seek ideas for the upgrading of the square as part of a general vision for downtown Alexandria, as well as an architectural proposal for the Motaheda parking space in the square.
Within the complex
current situation of Al-Manshiya Square, lie a lot of opportunities. The square
is one of the most lively and most vibrant public spaces in downtown
Alexandria. It is also, historically, a space that has witnessed Egypt’s modern
history and has been the backdrop to many of the seminal key moments that changed Egypt. The square is also strategically positioned
within the commercial district of the city’s downtown area, to accommodate the
needs of a large segment of Alexandrians. It has for years been widely known as
the destination for commercial activity. The buildings surrounding the square
range between commercial, residential, and administrative use. It is also
carefully positioned within the city’s public transport network, and is well
connected to all major zones of the city.
The revitalization
and upgrading of Al-Manshiya square, as well as proposing ideas for the
Motaheda parking plot is a unique challenge. The square itself has grown out of
control and street vendors have taken over large areas of public spaces and
streets which causes a lot of connectivity problems within the existing
A- Downtown Vision
1. Downtown
projects proposes a new downtown district that consists of three major nodes,
where each node acts as an attraction point and where all three nodes work in
harmony in providing a diverse downtown experience.
Cultural Hub
(Al-Raml Square)
the area surrounding Al-Raml square has been always identified as the central
scene for cultural and tourist activity in Alexandria, the proposal builds on the
existing situation and proposes a complete cultural district of museums, cultural
centers, art galleries, along with the existing opera performance center.
Turning this area into Alexandria’s new cultural district not only for artists,
musicians, poets, but also for tourists will provide massive benefits for the
city. Its location overlooking the Mediterranean exaggerates its uniqueness and
its ability to attract normal citizens and not only the cultural elite. This will be based on renovating and re-using existing structures to house new functions.
Hub (Masr Station Square)
order to vitalize downtown Alexandria, it is necessary that it is very well
connected to the rest of Alexandria’s districts. The proposed idea is to
maintain a lot of the transport activity that is already occurring in the
square and expanding it to accommodate public buses, tram station, underground
metro station, and a new biking center. It is also proposed to add a bus rapid
transit (BRT) system that connects downtown area with the rest of Alexandria. A
great emphasis is made here on providing operational and well maintained
transport systems to provide easy access and movement to and from downtown
Hub (Al-Manshiya Square)
it is already considered the commercial and business district of Alexandria, it
is proposed to organize, revitalize, and renovate the existing structures and
promote a strong commercial activity within this district. Commercial activity
not only provides citizens with their needs, or even provides continuous
revenue for the city, but also promotes a strong tourist presence. This will
only happen by renovating and revitalizing the existing buildings, and
using them for diverse tourist and commercial activities such as cafes and
restaurants within the inner courtyards. It is also proposed to promote within
this district a strong direction towards locally producing certain products. Providing
possibilities for clothes design, manufacturing, marketing and promotion with a
trained team that offer professional guidance to young investors and shop
owners are all part of the proposal as explained later.
2. Downtown
connectors are proposed between the three downtown hubs for both vehicular and
pedestrian traffic. The three major streets of Saad Zaghlool, Fouad and Sherif
Streets, and Al-nabi Danial street, all form possible connectors between the
three nodes. As one moves from one node to the other through one of these
streets the activity gradiently shifts between the two hubs.
3. Pedestrian
vs. Vehicular
order to promote a more sustainable approach and to deal with the existing
situation of downtown area, it is proposed to pedestrianize many of the areas
within downtown district and use the full potential of the existing structure
between 2012 and 2020. Using a long term plan to divert traffic and slowly
transform the area into a pedestrian area will enrich downtown Alexandria, and
will boost tourism. In the initial phase, parts of Manshiya square and some of
the connectors to al-raml will be closed to vehicular traffic and only opened
for pedestrian activity and shall remain well connected to public transport.
Alternative routes are proposed for the diverted traffic network.
4. Preserving
Alexandria’s Built Heritage
Alexandria is famous for its built heritage which is constantly under threat.
Many of the district’s buildings have now been renovated, but some have been
left to neglect, vandalism, and decay and are now in dire need for renovation
and revitalization. The proposal suggests to renovate and re-occupy these
buildings with activities similar to the existing ones (ex. local cafes) and
proposes a renting model which ensures proper and enough maintenance is
performed for the buildings. The proposal also suggests the appropriation and
use of available rooftops which could become a strong facilitator and generator
of urban development in such conditions. Using rooftops of existing buildings,
whether in urban agriculture or as activity nodes, will be very useful for the
Al-Manshiya Square
The basic idea of intervention within Al-Manshiya square is to intervene in a very minimal way with the goal of making the square perform much better than it is now. Dealing with the existing without radical change or evacuation of the surrounding fabric can be a very effective way to gradually implement change. Below are a list of the major ideas that were implemented in the square:
- Turning the plaza into a pedestrian only zone and avoiding all vehicular traffic except at the southeastern edge of the square. The pedestrian movement is complemented with 4 tram stops surrounding the square, and also an underground metro station. A lot of emphasis is put on bikes and pedestrian modes.
- A large underground car parking is suggested in the basement floor of the whole plaza where possible, to help accommodate vehicular traffic and ease of access to different parts of the building.
- Connect the square to the waterfront by elevating the korniche road at the connection. This will provide open views and safe access for all users who which to enjoy the beach, as well as creating a new landmark korniche bridge for Alexandria.
- Create internal waterfront by allowing the Mediterranean water to flow into the square. The area surrounding the water will be used for leisure time activities. A large dancing fountain will be centered in the middle of the water body and will perform daily shows for cheering spectators and tourists. The water body could also accommodate a floating theatre for open air performances by artists, musicians and singers.
- Create a new street market for the existing street vendors in a depression in the ground level plane in order to provide open views and visual continuiuty through the square, while maintining their locations on axis of movement.
- Revive the old Borsa building by re-building the front façade with its iconic terrace as a gateway between the commercial and cultural districts of downtown area.
- Distribute activity within the square into three distinct zones, the new waterfront/leisure zone, the green zone (park), and the vendors zone. The existing landmark statue will be further highlighted and incorporated between these three

Al-Manshiya Development Center
While Al-Manshiya square hosts a wide range of diverse uses and different activities, and is overwhelmed with huge amounts of imported goods, it still accommodates a large number of production units (printing press shops, furniture production). Here lies great potential to capitalize and promote small and medium sized companies and help them to grow as business models based upon local expertise and needs. With proper guidance and training many of these individuals would be able to launch their companies and brands into the available market in Al-Manshiya square. This could include, but not limited to, clothes manufacturing, furniture, shoes, accessories & jewellery, printing press…etc.
The building is
based on a number of design ideas that were used to define how the building
operates programmatically and how it appears formally.

1- Connecting the
building with the square and plaza.
This was achieved through linking the program of the building with the vendors activity and the commercial programs occurring in the plaza, and also through the formal language used to define the plaza and building together as one whole. This was also promoted by opening public spaces in the ground floor and providing connections between the two different sides of the project as a connection force. Large steps are added between the building and the square to provide pleasant sitting and picnic spaces, and which could also be used as open theatre for large performances.
2- Occupying the Building Façade
the understanding that linearity and movement are two of the key factors of
defining street commercial activity, the proposal aims to provide this linear
promenade of street shopping within and on its façade. A continuous loop of
movement (stairs and ramps) circulates around the building
giving it its unique
gradient form.
Project Team:
Kareem Hammouda
Mazin Abdulkarim
Tamer Nader
Sarah el Defrawi
Sayed Mohsen
Andrew Fayek
Mohamed Tantawi
Heba Hashem
Momen Saleh